Nazmul Islam Ananto

Student at Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology (BUET) studying Computer Science and Engineering (CSE).
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Signing Off, NDEC

This journey started from July 10, 2016. I found a booth at the ground floor of Ganguli Bhaban. I clearly remember Fahim Shahriar bhai there who provided me the membership form that I returned the next day. Today I can say, that decision was undoubtedly the most life-changing one to me.

Years passed. I volunteered in the 3rdNEC, then Co-ordinated in the 4th and now the 5th one is over too. Too many people, too many works, too many places and obviously a lot more memories! It almost became habitual to go to college everyday even after the Board Exam. But now I go to sleep turning off all the alarms and wake up in the morning asking myself what should I do today? I don’t have my club works, I don’t have to go to college today, Suranjita ma’am is not going to call me today, juniors won’t ask for help, seniors won’t guide anymore how to do stuffs, I won’t see those Guards at the gate smiling all the day long, I don’t have to write some notices or call some PR Head of some renowned company, I don’t have an appointment anywhere, I don’t have to collect quotations from some presses, I don’t have to maintain a to-do list, I don’t have to check an editorial, I don’t have to form a budget, I don’t have to scold a junior, I don’t have to post a thing on the event page, I don’t have to maintain the response rate, I don’t have to proofread a magazine, I don’t have to call a meeting this week…

I feel like there was something magical in my life and now it’s come to a halt. I feel like I was surrounded by some people who made me happy, who gave me the energy for the next day and now I am not. I feel like I was doing things I love to do and now I am not. This family gave me things I could not gain anywhere else. So I would like to say “🎶…the spirit of NDECian, made me the hammer of GOD!!”

Signing off,
Md. Nazmul Islam Ananto
Writing and Publication
12th Executive Committee
Notre Dame English Club

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