Nazmul Islam Ananto

Student at Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology (BUET) studying Computer Science and Engineering (CSE).
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Extra Curricular



  • Former Physics Instructor, 10 Minutes School

  • Former Physics, Math & ICT Instructor, ROOTS

  • President of Writing and Publication, Notre Dame English Club

    Worked as an Editor in 8 publications, adjudicated 5+ competitions, organized 3 National English Carnivals and supervised over 100 volunteers in two of them, arranged more than 12 Intra College Workshops, Seminars and Competitions, managed more than 22 sponsors for the club with a monetary value of approximately 1.4 million. All that in less than 3 years.

  • Volunteer, Ideal Debating Club

    Worked as a Sub-Editor on a publication. Part-time debater.